Friday 9 December 2011

impacts of ict

Social impacts of IT
The good advantages
The good things about IT are it allows communication around the world the world in an instant; it is also easy to share information around the world. Booking flights is easier to do. People now play games or are on social websites instead of watching TV

The bad disadvantages
The bad things about IT are it in courage’s paedophilia and make it easier for it to actually happen. It also has a new form of stealing that is harder to trace and a lot easier to cover up   

Economic impacts of IT
The good advantages
The good things about the economic impacts of IT are that it has allowed people to check the amount of money in their savings much more easily and people can do hard jobs with ease     
The disadvantages
The bad things about economic impacts of IT is it has made people looser their jobs and people who would off been highly skilled in their professions have been updated by computers  

Legal impacts of IT
The good advantages
The good things about the legal impacts of IT is it that more people are able to keep peoples personal information and it is easily able to send information in a minuet   
The disadvantages
The bad things about the legal impacts of IT is it is that more people are being robbed and people’s personal information is passed on all the time
Ethical impacts of IT
The advantages
People can take pictures of other people and put them on the web but this is not suitable   
The disadvantages
Porn is now been used on the web. It is also putting people’s picture on the web without the persons consent

Tuesday 6 December 2011

safety using ict

Cyber Bullying
Cyber bullying is when a child targeting another child with the use of a wireless device like a phone or laptop. 22% of all children are bullied online, usually they are calling the child a name but sometimes they steal the child’s username and buy stuff online that would cost a fortune. Many children are too scared to tell their parents because the culprit sends threatening messages like “I know where you live”   

Spam is when a user sends copies of the same message, to force it on people who didn’t want to receive it. Practically all spam is advertising, often for many products; get rich quick schemes or semi legal services. Spam costs very little to send as most of the costs are paid by the recipient or carriers rather by the sender.   There are two main types of spam, and they have different effects on Internet users. Cancellable Usenet spam is a single message sent to 20 or more Usenet newsgroups.
Phishing is an act when the sender sends an email to a user falsely claiming to be an established legitimate enterprise in an attempt to steal the user’s private information that can be used for identity theft. The email directs the user to a website where they would have to update personal information such as passwords and bank accounts that the real organization already has. The site however is a fake, set up only to steal the user’s information     
Plagiarism is a type of cheating but it is complicated so any kid would do it without knowing that they’ve done wrong. It is also using other people’s ideas and passing them off as your own. It’s not allowed in schools and colleges so it’s a good idea to learn the proper way to use resources, such as websites and book 
Loss of personal data
The loss of personal data is a regular occurrence across the country, largely because of poor security, portable computers and disk drives going missing. According to a new report in many cases, agencies do not know precisely what important information has been stolen or how many people could be affected by the data breach.